Top 10k strings from Sinclair User - Issue 121 - Great Eight 10 - Tips Amazing (1992)(Sinclair User).tzx
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1 |2Re-run the program|2Return to Main Menu|2Exit to NEW|0- 1 |0|0Copyright 1 packer 1 Tips.Amaz. 1 This Is A 48k Program 1 SELECT=9010 1 SCROLL=9110 1 SCRL=65024 1 S$="0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,0010,0011,0012,0013,0014,0015,0016,0017,0018,0019,0020,0021,0022": 1 Leigh Thompson & Sinclair User Present Tips Amazing (LIMITED EDITION) * * * Well what a month it was . . I've just recovered from Christmas and the New Year (parties you see) ? ? ? First up I think that I should slag off Graham Mason as he put something that wasn't very nice about me last month 1 He said that I was always phoning him about a certain video . . well that's a load of sh*te . . it was every other day I phoned him . . I hope that you are keeping up with the speed of the scroller, if not stand about 10 feet away as it shouldn't hurt your eyes 1 DS=DS+SCRL 1 AD=VL+SCRL 1 128.+2.+3 Machines Use 48k Mode 1 11211411WWF WrestleMania|0|0When the opposition has run out|0of energy he suddenly becomes|0very strong and will pin you down|0if he has a chance. Mr.Perfect|0needs to be pinned down about 3|0times, but watch out for his|0perfect plex. It's not worth jumping|0on the top ropes as the other bloke|0will leg it away from you.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH WRESTLE FANS|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Turtles Coin-Op|0|0When you are selecting the controls|0set them as Sinclair 1 & 2.|0Then just play a 1 player game.|0As you are about to die and you|0have used up all of your credits|0quickly change the joystick into|0port 2 and you can continue as|0player 2. (good or what)|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411The Simpsons|0|0Buy quite a lot of Cherry Bombs|0as these can be used to paint things|0purple. In the petshop use a bomb|0to scare the purple bird away.|0If buy a key then you can go|0through some doors to get to the|0end of the level.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Tai-Chi Tortoise|0|0If you have stepped on the block|0that disappear when you tread on|0them, go off the screen and they|0will come back again (well|0I thought it was good)|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Supercars|0|0To get on the 3rd level|0type ODIE and to get onto the|04th level type BIGC|0|0ENTER 1 11211411Super Space Invaders|0|0Getting the icons dropped from the|0flying saucer don't really help|0you that much. Just keep on|0shooting but if you miss you have|0to wait until it dissapears off the|0screen until you can fire again.|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Smash TV|0|0Always get the extra lives as these|0are great. Don't go out of your way|0to get the money or prizes if it|0means losing a life. The best|0weapon is the 3 way gun, but|0it only last for a little while.|0If you are standing by the door|0and something comes through it,|0it sometimes can walk through you|0without killing you.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Santa's Xmas Capers|0|0Just think I had to play this|0cr*p game!!!!|0|0Always keep on shooting and|0move up and down the screen.|0For the end of level bloke if|0you stay just under his hand|0then you can kill him with no sweat|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Round The Bend|0|0You should really map the first|0bit because you may end up going|0around in circles.|0When you get to the pipe that|0drips jump just after the next|0drip comes out. If you don't go|0in the tunnel marked with a arrow|0then things get slightly faster|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Road Runner (Hi-Tec)|0|0Hold down the keys ~HELP~|0for infinite lives.|0|0When Hi-Tec release another game|0the cheat mode will probably be|0the same (take note boys)|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Lemmings|0|0Level 1|0|0Press 4 to select a floater.|0Leave the cursor on the second|0pillar and press on the lemmings|0as they pass.|0|0Level 2|0|0Press 8 to select bashers.|0Lock onto the first lemming by|0pressing N. When get near the walls|0press M to bash through.|0|1MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Klax (SAM)|0|0To go to the next|0level just pause the game and|0press N|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411International Speedway|0|0Load the game in 48k|0When loaded sign on and choose a|0team. When you get to mid-week|0options press BREAK and enter:|01251 LET S(A)=0: LET N(A)=9:LET M|0=M+10000: REM M IS THE MONEY|0In 65 change all the 11 to 15|0(but not the 11 in the speech marks|0Now no-one can beat you|0Type CONTINUE or GOTO 800 to start|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411International Speedway|0|0Always try to turn just before the|0bend comes up. Try not to bump|0into the other riders as you|0stop and the others wizz past you|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Hudson Hawk|0|0When you've got through the|0window keep on running down the|0stairs as there is money at the|0bottom. When you've got the money|0run back up the stairs until you|0get to the door marked 7th floor|0Always jump over the floor marked|0with stripes.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Final Fight|0|0Many a time I've tried to use 2|0players but you can only use 1.|0So if you are thinking about buying|0it, don't buy it for 2 players.|0|0The best move is the flying kick,|0after using it get the enemy with|0your special move. The best fighter|0is Haggar as he's a mean mother.|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Double Dragon 3|0|0A really annoying feature on this|0game is that if one is using Sinclair|0and the other player is using the|0keys then when player 1 presses|0fire or moves then you start punching.|0Remember that if you buy anything|0in the shops then you lose a coin|0which is used as a continue, so|0be warned.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Darkman|0|0The best move is the kick.|0When you get 2 blokes on the|0screen, kick the first one,|0but keep on ducking when the|0second one starts firing his gun.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 07707711The Final|1Menu|0|0Select:-|0- 1 07107711The Ploppy Menu|0|2The Simpsons|2Double Dragon 3|2Final Fight|2Hudson Hawk|2WWF WrestleMania|2Super Space Invaders|2Smash TV|2Lemmings|2Round The Bend|2Road Runner (Hi Tec)|2Klax (SAM)|2Supercars|2Darkman|2Turtles Coin-Op|2International Speedway|2Tai-Chi Tortoise|2Santa's Xmas Capers|2League Challenge|2++ Multiface Hacks ++|2** NEXT MENU ** 1 07105611IMPORTANT NOTICE|0|0Sorry about the scroller this|0month but Tips Amazing is going|0through a bit of a change (must be|0pubity). Keep tuned to|0this channel!!!!|0|0Hello to Graham Mason and Jon North|0Hello to Richard Allen and Wayne Wingate|0|1** Joke for Garth!! **|0|0Where do sheep go to get their hair cut.|0To the BAA bers|0|1Press ENTER to continue 1 07007711++ MULTIFACE HACKS|0|0If the POKE starts with a 5|0figure number at the beginning|0(eg, 31523,0) then use text|0mode on your multiface. If it's a|04 figure alphanumeric number then|0use hexadecimal mode.|0|0Atom Ant - C0E8,0:C124,0; Lives|0Black Tiger - B3F1,0; Lives|0Chase HQ 2 - 40382,183; Credits|0Crackdown - 81ED,3E; Invincible|0|0Press ENTER 1 05805611Leigh's Aye Carumba Shout|0|0Basic and Design by|0Leigh Thompson (That's me)|0Menu code and menu design by|0Rick O'Neill|0|0Copyright 1 ,B,B,B,B,124 1 1992|0Leigh Thompson (Me again)|0Sinclair User|0Pointy Stick Productions|0|0Use UP and DOWN cursors to select|0with ENTER to choose.|0|1Press ENTER to continue 1 1992|0Leigh Thompson 1 Garth sorry to hear about your little accident and I hope that the insurence company pay up (was it insured) . . Oh! by the way Graham send me the games first before you send them to Theo (Hi Theo) as Garthy moans about the tape not beening on time Well I'm bored now so this message is about to end # # # So until next munf So long (Graham have you finished that scroller yet) see you in 31 days time 1 Well there's a bumper crop of tips and cheats this munf # # I must say something about Jon North . . . Fistly I don't know what Graham said about me . . I think that somewhere along the line he was telling a few porkies about what I ~SAID~, So Jon give us a ring so we can sort it out (I even got one of your POKES to work)